Good News: Work Readiness for NYC teens

We are thrilled to report that, through a partnership with the NYC Department of Probation’s NEON program, 2,700 teens across NYC improved their job skills this summer using stories and lessons from Youth Communication. As a solution to the city’s reduction of the Summer Youth Employment Program, we created an online program based on lessons from On My Way, our acclaimed work readiness curriculum. In remote professional development sessions, we trained 50 probation officers to deliver the program to teens.
It was a smashing success. The Department of Probation even created a magazine of writing by their youth participants, inspired by YouthComm’s stories. Surveys and comments confirm the program’s impact.
“These sessions not only helped the students, it helped the adult facilitator as well. It allowed us to see that we are all human beings with real fears and emotions that can impact our success.”—— Adult staff (on facilitating a session with youth)
We are pleased that our professional development and curricula contributed to the success of this program. To know more about how our programs can help your school or agency build a positive climate and support student social and emotional skills, contact us here.