About US

Learn more about our approach, team, alumni, and supporters who make our work possible.

OUR Mission

Youth Communication (YC) is on a mission to elevate teen voices to create real change.

Through the power of true stories, written by youth who have been systemically marginalized, we create more supportive and successful learning communities.

OUR Vision

Youth Communication’s vision is to create a more empathic world for and with our young people so they feel represented, heard, and supported to achieve their dreams.

Annual Report 2023

Youth Communication Amplifies Youth Voice for Benefit of Teens and Youth-Serving Adults

Our two-tiered approach offers teens a platform to share their personal story for the benefit of their peers. They work with professional editors, and their stories are published and distributed widely. Next, these unique stories, highlighting the authentic experiences of youth, are incorporated into YC’s literacy-rich training model and curricula, which helps teachers, after-school workers, counselors and other youth-serving professionals build relationships with their students and foster supportive learning environments.

We believe

Young people often know exactly what they need.
Adults just need the tools to listen.

Real stories can create real change.
Youth Communication elevates youth voices to create that change.

Our young people are not being supported to succeed.
Our institutions – schools, after-school programs, child welfare and juvenile justice systems – are struggling to engage and support our kids. Our stories provide staff with the tools they need to understand and meet their young people’s needs.

The experts are already in the room.
Our education partners have the opportunity to be an influential and affirming adult in a young person’s life. We give them the youth perspective and expertise they need to do so.

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Our Supporters

View our full list of supporters

Youth Communication is supported by local and national organizations, including:


The Pinkerton Foundation

New York Life Foundation

Child Welfare Fund

The Charles Hayden Foundation

Ira DeCamp Foundation

Redlich Horwitz Foundation

Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation


Youth Communication is committed to transparency. See statements and forms below.