Our Supporters

Organizations, foundations, and individuals supporting our programs.

Real Stories.
Real Change.

Our supporters enable us to bring YC’s teen-written stories and youth-centered, story-based curricula and professional development to schools and community-based organizations in NYC and across the country. 

YC’s stories and lessons really get my kids’ wheels turning. I GET CHILLS listening to them ask questions and talk to each other.

— Lori Krane

    Principal & Educator

Featured Supporters

New York Community Trust

The Pinkerton Foundation

New York Life Foundation

Child Welfare Fund

The Charles Hayden Foundation

Ira DeCamp Foundation

Bank of India

Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation



Bank of India 

Charles Hayden Foundation 

Charles L. K. and Clara Miller Foundation 

Child Welfare Fund 

College Board 

Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation 

Donna and Marvin Schwartz Foundation 

Fishel Daly Family Foundation 

First Republic Bank 

Harman Family Foundation 

Hawk Family Foundation 

Hyde and Watson Foundation 

Ira W. De Camp Foundation 

Leroy and Ann Warner Fund

Mary Hutchins Foundation 

Mitchell and Elaine Yanow Charitable Trust 

M. Klebanoff Foundation 

Metzger-Price Fund 

New York Community Trust 

New York Life Foundation 

NYC Administration for Children’s Services 

NYC Dept. of Youth & Community Development 

Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust 

Penguin Random House 

Pinkerton Foundation 

Robertson Family Foundation 

Rodney L. White Foundation 

Still Point Fund 

T.D. Chartible Trust 

W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone Foundation 

William E. Seale Family Foundation 


Contact us today to learn more about how you can support youth voices!