Something You Can’t Fix
Naomi Weinstein, director of the Center on Addiction and the Family in New York City, explains what you should know if your parent has a substance abuse problem.Q: When is a parent’s alcohol or drug use a problem?A: If the parent’s use is causing problems in your life, that’s a problem.
What Family Means to Me
by Emily Taveras
Names have been changed. My first childhood memory is being in a strange room with other kids crying. I entered the foster care system when I was 2 years old, and the memories I have of growing up in care are mostly fragmented, glued-together pieces.
Community in the Darkness
by A.S.
As a child, I planned elaborate parties for every birthday, with themes like bakery, rock star, and Rapunzel. I prepared for months before, carefully selecting dresses, activities, and frosting flavors. I helped my parents create a makeshift cupcakery, karaoke bar, and princess castle in our home.
Fall 2024 Contest Winners
Several times a year, we ask our teen readers from around the country to write a letter to the author of a recent YC story that has impacted them. In Fall 2024, teens wrote about connecting to stories on trans identity, living with a disabled sibling, dealing with an anxiety disorder, and coming to terms with a mentally ill parent.
My Health Is Not Up For Debate
by Sama Daga
“Good morning, Dagas!” Dr. B. exclaimed, greeting my family. My family neurologist, Dr. B, worked with my mother to manage her stress-related migraines around the time I was born, and everyone in our family had grown to trust her. She was always happy, and usually it made me smile too.
Teens Speak Out on the Election
Ari, 15: I am worried and baffled by Trump’s re-election. I don’t have citizenship and am in the U.S. as part of a program that gives Ukrainian refugees parole for two years at a time. Will Trump end this program? Trump being a fan of Putin makes me worry about my home.