New for SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023

Immerse yourself in the latest educational research about developmentally and culturally responsive teaching—centered upon youth voices

We’re proud to announce the publication of Who’s In My Classroom? Building Developmentally and Culturally Responsive School Communities [Wiley], a new book of concrete strategies to help educators build supportive relationships with students.

Written in collaboration with Gess LeBlanc, a professor at Hunter College’s School of Education, the book links the latest educational research on adolescent development with true stories from our teen writers.

Now available for purchase through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Wiley.

Who’s in My Classroom? is a must-read for teachers and more importantly for any professional who is trying to figure out what it means to create equitable, engaging learning environments that allow young people to be their full selves. I’ve read (and contributed to) research-informed practice guides. The book is a “here’s why” guide that skillfully uses young people’s stories to bring home the obvious: learning is social and emotional. The stories show the specific types of power that teachers have (starting with the power to make assumptions). That opens the door for delivering incredibly specific advice for how to make young people feel like they are trusted and valued, and the powerful impact that has on a young person’s ability to be present and enthusiastic about learning. This is a masterpiece.”

— Karen Pittman
Co-Founder and Senior Fellow, The Forum for Youth Investment

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Read Excerpts: 
Introduction to Developmentally and Culturally Responsive Teaching

ABOUT Who’s In My Classroom?

In Who’s In My Classroom?, accomplished educator and author, Professor Gess LeBlanc, delivers an inspirational and practical combination of true stories from teens in Youth Communication’s award-winning writing program and the most current educational research. The book links theories of adolescent development and identity formation to best practices in real-world classrooms where teachers strive to form supportive relationships with students.

In this book, you’ll find:
• Narrative and explanations of the most cutting-edge research in educational and developmental psychology and cultural competence
• Excerpts from stories by students specifically written and edited with social and emotional learning competencies in mind
• Practical and concrete strategies for administrators and teachers to implement for sustainable improvement in learning outcomes for their students, including the use of Youth Communication’s stories

Perfect for K-12 educators, counselors, and administrators, Who’s In My Classroom? is also an indispensable resource for higher education professionals and pre-service teachers seeking a practical guide to help them become more developmentally and culturally responsive in their work.


GESS LEBLANC, PHD, belongs to the Hunter College School of Education. He is the Co-founder of Hunter’s Urban Center for Assessment, Research, and Evaluation and Co-founder of the college’s MA Program in Educational Psychology. He is a sought-after speaker and writer on the subject of culturally responsive teaching.

TIM FREDRICK, PHD, is Senior Director of Education Programs at Youth Communication where he oversees social and emotional learning programs and professional development. He is a teacher and teacher educator with 20 years’ experience working with students in kindergarten through graduate school.

YOUTH COMMUNICATION provides professional development based on true stories by teens that helps educators work with students to strengthen the social, emotional, and literacy skills they need to achieve their academic and life goals. For more information about our suite of SEL programs for Grades 6-12, please contact Sarah Wolf at [email protected].

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Developmentally and Culturally Responsive Teaching (DCRT)
Chapter 2: Recognizing and Undoing Bias—How Teachers’ Beliefs Impact Students
Chapter 3: How Schools Influence Our Beliefs about Ourselves
Chapter 4: How Schools Shape Gender and Racial Identity Development
Chapter 5: How Stress and Trauma Affect Learning
Chapter 6: How We Can Help Students Heal and Do Better in School
Chapter 7: The Change Process
Chapter 8: Reaching DCRT Goals through True, Teen-Written Stories