My Fantastic Fandom
by Anonymous
Around the time I started high school, I decided that I wanted to grow my hair out beyond the short bog I was forced to maintain on my head. When it was time for me to get a haircut, I playfully asked my mother, “Why do you want to make my hair ugly again?
Finding a Supportive Home
by M.T.
I was 13 and it was almost summer in Florida. It was a sunny day and my best friend and I were walking to my house after school. When I got home, the atmosphere suddenly shifted from bright and lively to dark and gloomy.
Reading the Tea Pages
by Anonymous
I first heard about the murder of George Floyd when my sister forwarded a news article via our family group chat. Over the next few days, I read as much as I could about the many acts of social activism taking place around the world in response to Mr.
Am I an Activist to Make Change or to Look Cool on Social Media?
by Yotam Pe'er
The air felt thick, and the masks weren’t helping. Sweat dripped down my back and soaked my sweatshirt. I was jostled forward by those behind me as the crowd started moving. A man holding a sophisticated looking camera equipped with antenna and sensors was filming a group of people next to me.
Betrayed and Exposed
by A. J.
Names have been changed Two years ago, when I was a junior in high school, a beautiful girl approached me on a messaging app. I texted her back, and we talked for hours. We figured out that we lived near each other.
TIPS FOR TEENS: Create Your Own Shared ‘Corona Diaries’
by Layla Hussein
My friends and I copied the idea of creating a group journal using Google Slides from a user on TikTok. The user calls it The Corona Diaries. Google Slides allows us to express ourselves with writing, pictures, icons, colors, and other kinds of creativity like funny filters.