Movie Review: Moonlight
by Sedrick Sanchez
Moonlight is about a character I’ve never seen in a movie—a gay thug who is big, bad, and scary, but who expresses his feelings. Instead of a monster, the movie shows a drug dealer as a human being. His name is Chiron, and he lives in a poor part of Miami, Florida.
Pretty Lies
by Trisha Gustave
One Sunday afternoon, after a very tiring morning, my aunt, my cousin, and I sat on the couch watching TV. We enjoyed a movie and a few shows, but the programming was interrupted by frequent advertisements. There was one ad in particular that caught my attention: a woman dressed in black, walking seductively through a humongous house.
The Facebook Fight That Fractured My Face
by Catherine Cosmo
Social networking sites are supposed to be a place for friends to connect and chat, right? That’s what I thought until I was the victim of aggression that spilled over from Facebook into real life. One day, I was harmlessly joking around with a friend on Facebook.
Discovering My Dad at the Movies
by Daniela Castillo
One day when I was 8 years old, I decided to snoop through my dad’s bedroom closet. Inside I found a giant faded leather trunk, which I imagined was filled with precious jewels or other treasure. Knowing that Dad was busy on his computer in the living room, I pulled the trunk out and opened it.