Congratulations, winners!

Pre-Ceremony: Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 5:30pm-6:30pm
for Winners and Presenters
Click to join us on Zoom (no registration required)

You’ll meet the other award winners, our presenters, learn more about what to expect at the awards ceremony, and practice using the online platform so that we can work out any technical issues.

Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 5:30pm-6:30pm
for Winners, Nominators, Presenters, and Supporters
Click to see the invitation and register on Zoom (registration required)
(Forward that invitation to invite guests and supporters)

You’ll meet the other award winners, our presenters, learn more about what to expect at the awards ceremony, and practice using the online platform so that we can work out any technical issues.

Souvenir Booklet: Winning essays
Click to see the pdf

Winners: We will mail your $1100 check shortly after the ceremony. Please email Ellen at [email protected] with your current address if it has changed since you submitted your application.

Questions? Email Ellen at [email protected] or call 212-279-0708 x115