Professional Development
From You to We: Building Blocks for Transformative SEL
Professional Development Series Based on real Stories by Teens
As educators, our responsibility is to rethink our approaches to social and emotional learning (SEL) in academic settings. Traditional teaching models often limit educators to teaching—or, regrettably, attempting to “fix”—students, assuming we possess all the solutions. Transformative SEL challenges us to redefine our roles.
Transformative SEL, as defined by Robert Jagers of CASEL, asks us to navigate how to redistribute power in schools.
The process begins with educators examining their own social-emotional learning (SEL) capabilities and experiences, then progressing to partnering with students to tackle systemic disparities and enhance personal and communal wellness. Recognizing the vital role of leaders in nurturing the SEL growth of their team and students to create transformative learning spaces, we designed a session specifically for individuals in managerial positions.
In this series of workshops, we explore the power of storytelling—shared by both young people and adults—as a means to transition from treating students as the simple recipients of SEL instruction to acknowledging them as collaborators in creating equitable schools and institutions. It is through this work that we answer the call of transformative SEL.
In this series of workshops we explore the power of storytelling—by both youths and adults—in order to move from treating students as the objects of SEL instruction to seeing them as co-learners and collaborators in creating equitable schools and organizations. Through the sharing of personal narratives and experiences, both students and educators will have the opportunity to shift their perspectives and see each other as equal partners in the journey towards creating more inclusive and equitable learning environments.
By recognizing the value of student voices and experiences, participants move beyond traditional models of SEL instruction and embrace a more collaborative approach. These workshops are offered sequentially and must be taken in the order presented. Participants are welcome to only partake in workshop 1.
From You to Me: An Introduction to Transformative SEL for Adults Who Work With Youth
During this four-hour workshop, our initial emphasis is on us as teachers and individuals, rather than our students. We’ll exchange narratives, experiences, and abilities, and in the process, perceive ourselves as learners within a community. This sets the foundation and groundwork for transformative social-emotional learning (SEL) in our institutions.
After we reflect on our own SEL superpowers, we shift our focus to the potential for learning and collaboration with our students. In the latter portion of this session, we delve into the mindsets that might require adjustment and the strategies enabling us to foster cooperative relationships that transcend conventional student-teacher challenges.
More Than Supervision: Supporting Staff and Students in Your Transformative SEL Journey
In this session, supervisors will explore strategies for cultivating a culture that prioritizes transformative SEL and leverages the unique strengths of both adults and youth. Participants will reflect not just on the support their students require but also on how to effectively support adult educators who play a crucial role in building an affirming and supportive environment. (Prerequisite: From You to Me)
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